Meredith Metcalf

I write darkly funny stories about the ways patriarchy sucks for everyone.
I like to humanize characters we might see as monstrous, to laugh at our leaders’ foibles, and to explore how systems that pit us against each other ultimately fail us all.
For my first feature film, a vampire sex comedy called Blue Balls, director Léa Fae Caddigan and I developed our project on stage at New York’s indie theater mainstays Manhattan Rep and Dixon Place. We sold out both venues, so we chose to expand by creating our own festival celebrating womxn in horror - and hosting it in a sex dungeon. Now, Blue Balls is being produced by The Dazey Phase in Syracuse, NY, starring Blu Del Barrio and Ian Alexander from Star Trek Discovery and Charlie Hiscock from Ted Lasso.
My work has been screened, staged and developed at Sick Chick Flicks, End of Days Film Festival, Ill Angels Only, NYWIFT Shorts Fest on Roku, FORGE Fuel, UCB, the Baumann Theatre and Primary Stages ESPA.
When not writing comedy or horror, I may or may not have a secret little career writing fitness infomercials.

I've learned about the filmmaking process from many different angles, on shows of all sizes.
In my first five years here, I worked in Accounting, Art, Costumes, Payroll, Props, Set Dec, and the AD department, before finding the perfect home for my creative and analytical skills in the Production Office.
My work has included scripted and unscripted television, live events, and feature films with budgets that range from $125,000 to $100 million. I’ve worked on international co-productions shooting in New York City, and I've traveled overseas to work on American productions filming in New Zealand. My first industry experience was in development in Los Angeles, but I fell in love with working on set in New York City. So I moved to New York and started learning about film production from every angle I could.

Production & Travel Coordinator
My creative & analytical thinking skills keep productions running smoothly.
We all love a perfectly lit shot -
But I also love a perfectly color-coded spreadsheet.
I’ve always combined the creative with the analytical, double majoring in Film and Finance at Emory University’s Goizueta Business School. This combination of skills led me to the Production Office - the logistics of the film industry. I book equipment, process insurance claims, write and send crew-wide distro, put out metaphorical fires and answer a whole lot of questions.
My specialty is managing travel and hotels; I've done it in places as diverse as New Jersey and New Zealand. It’s the ultimate exercise in managing color-coded spreadsheets, guests’ emotions, hoteliers’ promises, security deposits, contracts, jealousy and FOMO. It’s like Tetris where you need to make sure the blocks enjoy their continental breakfasts. It’s great.