Meredith Metcalf
Meredith Metcalf writes darkly funny stories about the ways patriarchy sucks for everyone.
I really like that quote about how, if you’re looking for the line between good and evil,
you’re not gonna find it between nations or between classes,
for the line between good and evil runs through each human heart.
And, okay, that sounds dark. That quote comes from a book about gulags.
And I don't write about gulags.
I write vibrant, lightly emo screenplays and stageplays about people who are
trying to be good in a world that makes that hard.
A young vampire who only wants to kill victims who consent.
A new hire whose eccentric artiste boss acts like he’s king of the Renaissance Faire.
A centuries-old demonic spirit who tries to help girls instead of just twisting their heads around.
I like to humanize characters we might see as monstrous, to laugh at our leaders’ foibles,
and to explore how systems that pit us against each other ultimately fail us all.
To find humor and empathy in moments of cringe.
To harness my own mischief and sadism to tell stories that bring us together.
about me
Some of my idealism comes from growing up in the suburbs of Washington DC, where I got to see everyone from environmental lawyers to refugees work toward a better life for their families, their communities, and their country.
I've always combined the creative with the analytical, double majoring in Film Studies and Finance at Emory University's Goizueta Business School. The summer before my senior year of college, I interned on an indie movie in New York City that was definitely just using us as unpaid Set PA labor - but our Key taught us so much and made us feel so integral to the filmmaking process, after I graduated, I had to move to New York and come back for more.
I only lasted a year in that super indie world - you can only make it in NYC so long on $50/day, aka $3.57/hour - but when I moved on to bigger shows, I kept learning all I could, working in Art department, Accounting, Costumes, Props, Set Dec and Payroll on shows like HBO's High Maintenance, MARVEL's Jessica Jones, and TV Land's Younger.
I found a place to use my combination of the creative and the analytical in the production office of Warner Bros.' Ocean's 8. I've worked my way up on films ranging from Uncut Gems to Oppenheimer, and I'm now a Production Coordinator in IATSE Local 161.
For my first produced screenplay, a vampire sex comedy called Blue Balls, director Léa Fae Caddigan and I developed our project on stage at New York’s indie theater mainstays Manhattan Rep and Dixon Place. We sold out both venues, so we had to share the love by creating our own festival celebrating womxn in horror (and hosting it in a sex dungeon). Now, Blue Balls is being produced by The Dazey Phase in Syracuse, NY, starring Blu Del Barrio and Ian Alexander from Star Trek Discovery and Charlie Hiscock from Ted Lasso. Read about us in Variety.